
​​This Is The Ultimate Guide to Launching a $​​1 Million Online Supplement Business

It’s simple, but not easy. And in the era of TikTok, there’s never been a better time to ride the way and go direct to consumer. This is exactly what I did.

Ultimate Guide to Setting up a Supplement Brand 2023

🌟 Welcome to the Ultimate Guide to Starting Your Own Online Supplement Business 🌟

I’m so pleased that the universe has brought you to this cozy little corner of the net; you are very welcome here. Pull up a plush armchair, I’ll get you a tea, and let’s chat. I sold my startup,, in 2022, and I love sharing daily blog posts on the lessons I’ve learned along the way and all the new things I’m still picking up. By building an online business, scaling, and selling it, you can achieve financial independence or at least save many years of working a 9-5 job.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover the following key points:

Let’s dive in! I share my experiences of starting It Really Works Vitamins here:

1. Identifying your target audience

Your target audience will significantly influence your marketing efforts. My personal journey with taught me the importance of testing and pivoting. Initially, I thought my customers would be both men and women, but after placing a small ad in the British Men’s Health Magazine, I found out that men in their mid-twenties to mid-forties were my ideal customers.

2. Setting up your company and budgeting

When starting your business, it’s essential to set up your company correctly and to budget wisely. Hire an accountant to help you with this process and ensure that you have all the necessary insurance and registrations in place. Remember to stay lean and avoid going into debt. My startup journey had its fair share of setbacks, like losing hundreds of pounds due to incorrect labels, but I learned to adapt and grow from these experiences.

This is How I set up my Supplement brand!
3. Selecting suppliers and avoiding common pitfalls

Choose your suppliers carefully. For instance, I decided not to use white label suppliers for my supplement brand. Instead, I found supplement companies that manufacture their products and contacted them directly. This allowed me to have more control over the product’s quality, safety standards, and packaging. One of the benefits of choosing a supplier in the same country as you, is that you can just pop in, ask for advice – and also, just have peace of mind. Here’s a video tour I filmed of my supplier’s facility:

The It Really Works Vitamins Facility
Ultimate guide to setting up your supplement company
4. Harnessing the power of blogging and retargeting

Don’t underestimate the power of blogging. My blogs brought in 200 to 400 visitors each day, which I then retargeted using Facebook Ads. Although Facebook Ads can be expensive and impacted by changes in Apple’s iOS, I found success by focusing on retargeting rather than targeting new customers.

5. Staying lean and avoiding debt

It’s crucial to stay lean and avoid going into debt when starting your business. Manage your finances carefully, and remember that solopreneurship and entrepreneurship can be challenging but also fun, rewarding, and a path to financial independence.

Embrace the journey and enjoy the process! 🚀🌟

To learn more about financial independence, side hustles, and how to set up a business with no money, check out these resources:

  1. Financial Independence subreddit
  2. Side Hustle Nation
  3. The Balance Small Business – How to Start a Business With No Money

Remember, the key to success is learning, adapting, and growing. Keep pushing forward and turn your side hustle into a profitable business that will help you achieve financial independence in your 30s! 💪💸

ultimate guide to setting up a supplement brand
6. Utilize social media and influence

In the digital age, social media plays a significant role in promoting your brand and reaching potential customers. Collaborate with influencers and content creators to showcase your products and increase brand visibility. I sent out over 100 gifts to vloggers and Instagram influencers with a personalized card, and many of them shared my products, leading to excellent publicity for my brand. 🎁📸

Choose an e-commerce platform like Shopify to build your online store. Shopify offers a user-friendly interface, 24/7 customer service, and various apps and plugins to enhance your store’s functionality. Make use of their free trial and special discounts to get your store up and running. Keep an eye on trends and updates in e-commerce to stay ahead of the competition. 💻🛍️

Don’t limit yourself to just one sales platform. Once you have purchased your inventory, list your products on various platforms like Amazon and eBay. This will help to increase your brand’s exposure and drive more traffic to your website. 🌐📈

One of the best aspects of having your own supplement brand is that once people try your product and love the results, they’re likely to become repeat customers. Focus on delivering a high-quality product and excellent customer service to create a loyal customer base that will help your business grow rapidly. 💖👥¨C16C

The journey to financial independence and turning your side hustle into a successful business is an ongoing process. Stay committed to learning and growing, and surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your passion for entrepreneurship. Connect with others in the industry, attend conferences, and read books to keep your motivation high and your mind sharp. 📚🤝

In conclusion, starting an online supplement business (or any other online business) can be challenging, but with determination, resilience, and the right strategies, you can achieve success and financial independence. Keep pushing forward and remember to enjoy the journey! ✨🎉

I’m here everyday with a new blog post, see you tomorrow peeps xx

the ultimate guide to building a supplement brand

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