
Setting Up A Supplement Brand? This Is How To ACTUALLY Set Goals

Creating a supplement brand is hard work but with S-M-A-R-T goal setting – your supplement line could be bigger than you ever imagined!

Hey there, beautiful people! 🌈 I’m so grateful that the universe has brought you to my little corner of the world. Ever since I sold my startup It Really Works Vitamins in 2022, I’ve been on a mission to share the lessons I’ve learned and the new things I’m still picking up. Even though it was stressful, almost to the point of absolute burn-out (actually I did burn out, but I think that may be a different story)

Let’s dive into goal setting for setting up a supplement business with strategies for each point. 

Here on this blog, I cover this topic in a lot of detail – purely as I had a solid seven years of building and scaling my brand before eventually selling it. 

For more advice on how to start your own supplement company, please do check out:

The Ultimate Supplement Business Launch Formula

Starting a Supplement Company? Read This First 

This Is What You Need to Watch Out For When You Start a Supplement Brand

How To Launch a Million Dollar Supplement Brand

Starting a supplement line is an ambitious endeavour. To ensure success and clear direction, it’s crucial to set goals using the S-M-A-R-T methodology. This stands for **Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound**. Below is a step-by-step guide to setting up SMART goals for your supplement business:

What is S-M-A-R-T Goal Setting?

1. Specific

When setting a goal, it needs to be clear and specific so you know exactly what to work towards. Vague goals can lead to confusion.

Example of a vague goal: “I want my supplement business to be successful.”

Specific goal: “I want to launch a line of organic multivitamins for athletes, securing 10 local gym partnerships for distribution within the next six months.”

Steps to specify your goal

– Define the product or service.

– Identify the target audience.

– Pinpoint distribution channels.

Before and Afters: It Really Works Vitamins

2. Measurable

Your goals need metrics. This ensures that you can track your progress and determine when the goal has been achieved.

Example:Instead of “I want to make a lot of sales,” aim for “I want to achieve 5,000 unit sales in the first quarter.”

Steps to make your goal measurable:

– Determine the metrics to track (e.g., sales numbers, revenue, partnerships).

– Set up tracking tools (e.g., sales software, CRM).

– Regularly review progress.

3. Achievable:

While it’s great to aim high, your goals should be realistic based on your resources, time, and the current market situation.

Example: If you have a startup budget of $10,000, don’t set a goal to produce 1 million units in the first month.

Steps to ensure your goal is achievable

– Conduct market research to understand the demand and competition.

– Assess your resources (finances, manpower, equipment).

– Adjust the goal based on the above factors.

4. Relevant:

Ensure your goal aligns with the broader business vision and market trends. A goal might be specific, measurable, and even achievable, but if it isn’t relevant to your business, it might not be worth pursuing.

Example: If your research shows a trend towards vegan supplements, but your goal focuses on animal-based products, it might be less relevant.

Steps to ensure your goal is relevant:

– Align the goal with your business mission and vision.

– Regularly assess market trends and customer demands.

– Take feedback from stakeholders and potential customers.

5. Time-bound:

Every goal should have a deadline. This instills a sense of urgency and provides a clear timeframe for achieving the target.

Example: Instead of “I want to secure 10 suppliers,” opt for “I want to secure 10 suppliers within the next 90 days.”

Steps to set a time-bound goal:

– Break down the goal into smaller milestones.

– Assign a clear deadline to each milestone.

– Regularly review progress towards the set timeframe.

Implementing S-M-A-R-T Goals for Your Supplement Business:

1. Conduct a SWOT Analysis: Understand your business’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This will help tailor your S-M-A-R-T goals effectively.

2. Research & Planning: Understand the supplement market, emerging trends, customer preferences, and potential barriers. Your goals should be informed by concrete data.

3. Resource Allocation: Once you’ve set your S-M-A-R-T goals, ensure you have the necessary resources – be it manpower, money, or materials – allocated towards achieving them.

4. Regular Review: Set monthly or quarterly reviews to check on the progress of your goals. Adjust strategies if necessary based on these reviews.

5. Celebrate Milestones: Recognize and celebrate when milestones are achieved. This can motivate you and your team to push forward.

In conclusion, S-M-A-R-T goal setting is not just about ensuring that you have clearly defined objectives for your supplement business. It’s about creating a roadmap for success, backed by data and research, and ensuring you have the motivation and resources to see it through. With these steps in mind, you can create an actionable strategy that brings you closer to your vision.

Wrapping things up, starting your own online supplement business can be full of ups and down. But with the S-M-A-R-T goal framework in your toolkit, it’s like having a GPS for your business journey. It’s not just about setting goals; it’s about setting the right goals that can truly push the needle. So, as you venture forth, remember to keep things sharp, clear, and most importantly, SMART. Cheers to the exciting ups, the learning curves, and the milestones waiting just around the corner for your supplement venture! All the best out there!

Welcome to my little sweeties!

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