
Side Businesses for Mums in 2023: Balancing Parenthood and Profit

Read more: Side Businesses for Mums in 2023: Balancing Parenthood and Profit

Welcome back! In my series on The Best Side Hustles of 2023, I’m honing in on particular groups and the side hustles that would suit them perfectly. Today, we’re discussing the most lucrative side hustles for mums! Check out the full collection of articles here:


In 2023, the landscape of work has changed significantly, offering a plethora of opportunities for individuals to diversify their income streams. For Mums, the need to balance family responsibilities with financial goals has made side businesses an attractive option. Whether you’re a stay-at-home Mum or a working Mum, a side business can provide the flexibility and autonomy you crave while adding a financial cushion to your household. Here are some lucrative and manageable side business ideas that are particularly suitable for Mums.

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E-commerce Reselling

E-commerce platforms like eBay, Etsy, or Amazon offer an easy entry point for Mums to start a retail business. You can sell anything from pre-loved items to homemade crafts. The best part is that this business model is highly scalable. You can start small, gauge the market, and then expand as you see fit.

Blogging or Vlogging

If you have a particular area of expertise or passion, why not share it with the world through a blog or vlog? Whether you’re into parenting tips, cooking, or DIY crafts, there’s an audience for almost every niche. Monetize your platform through ads, sponsored posts, or affiliate marketing. The key is consistency and quality content. I’ve been playing around with Payhip to create and sell my online digital downloads and I am loving how intuitive and easy it is!


Virtual Assistance

Many businesses are looking for administrative support but can’t afford a full-time employee. Virtual assistants handle tasks like data entry, customer service, and calendar management. If you have strong organizational skills and are comfortable with technology, this could be an ideal option for you.

Tutoring or Online Courses

The pandemic has made online education more acceptable and widespread. If you excel in a particular subject or skill, consider tutoring students or creating online courses. Websites like Payhip or Udemy allow you to upload your courses and reach a global audience.



If you like the idea of e-commerce but don’t have the space for inventory, dropshipping might be for you. Here, you sell products directly from suppliers to customers, making a profit on the margin. This eliminates the need for upfront investment in stock.

Pet-Sitting or Dog Walking

For animal lovers, pet-sitting or dog-walking can be both a rewarding and lucrative business. Services can range from daytime care to overnight stays. This option provides a fun and active way to earn extra money while spending time outdoors.

Subscription Boxes

Subscription boxes have gained enormous popularity, delivering everything from beauty products to snacks. Consider curating your own specialized subscription box service that aligns with a niche you’re passionate about. 

Gardening and Plant Care Services

As more people value green spaces, offering plant care or gardening services can be a fruitful endeavor. You can specialize in native plants, vegetable gardens, or even interior plant designs.


If you have an eye for detail and a decent camera, consider offering photography services. From family portraits to event photography, this skill can be monetized in various ways. 

Home-Based Catering or Baking

If you love cooking or baking, why not turn it into a business? Home-based food services are increasingly popular, especially for events like birthdays or small get-togethers. Health and safety regulations will vary by location, so make sure you research the guidelines in your area before diving in.

Graphic Design or Freelance Writing

Platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer connect freelancers with clients looking for services in writing, graphic design, and more. If you have these skills, freelancing offers a flexible way to earn money on your own terms.

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Social Media Management

Many small businesses are willing to pay someone to manage their social media accounts. If you’re social media savvy, offer your services to local businesses. This job can usually be done remotely and on a flexible schedule, perfect for Mums.

Babysitting Co-op

Consider setting up a babysitting co-op within your community. This arrangement allows parents to exchange babysitting services instead of money. While this won’t earn you cash, it will save you money and offer valuable time to focus on other income-generating activities.

Etsy Store for Handmade Goods

If you’re crafty, consider opening an Etsy store. From personalized gifts to home decor, the possibilities are endless. Handmade items have a unique appeal, and with the right marketing, you can turn your hobby into a lucrative business.


Whether it’s HR, marketing, or any other field, if you have expertise, you can offer your consulting services. The best part is, that consultations can often be conducted remotely via video calls, making it an ideal choice for Mums looking for flexibility.

Key Considerations for Starting a Side Business

1. Time Management: Balancing a side business with family commitments requires effective time management.

2. Investment: Some businesses require little to no initial investment, while others may need a significant outlay. Choose wisely based on your financial situation.

3. Regulations: Make sure to research any required licenses, insurance, or permits.

4. Scalability: Opt for a business that can grow as much or as little as you want, giving you control over your time and income.

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Skills and Tools for Success

Digital Marketing

In 2023, online presence is more important than ever. Learn basic digital marketing skills, such as SEO and email marketing, to effectively promote your business. 


Networking can be one of the most valuable tools in your business arsenal. Utilize social media and community events to connect with potential customers and other business owners.

Financial Planning

Basic accounting skills and financial planning will help you manage your income and expenses efficiently. Tools like QuickBooks can be beneficial for keeping track of finances.

Time Management Tools

Use productivity apps like Asana or Trello to organize your tasks and deadlines. These tools can be particularly useful for juggling business tasks alongside Mum duties.

Personal Branding

As a Mum entrepreneur, you are your brand. Personal branding can help you stand out in a crowded market. Develop a recognizable logo, tagline, and colour scheme that communicates your brand’s essence.

Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a work-life balance is perhaps the most significant challenge. Scheduling ‘business hours’ can help separate work time from family time, enabling you to be present in both realms.

Cash Flow

Every business has a learning curve and may require time to become profitable. Keep your overhead low initially and scale up as your business grows.

Mum Guilt

Many Mums feel guilty spending time on a business instead of with their kids. It’s crucial to remember that pursuing your interests and contributing financially to your family is a positive endeavor.

Each type of business comes with its regulatory requirements, such as taxes, licenses, and inspections. Stay informed to avoid legal pitfalls.

Funding Your Side Business

In 2023, numerous funding options are available for Mumpreneurs:

1. Crowdfunding: Websites like Kickstarter or Indiegogo allow you to raise small amounts of money from a large number of people.

2. Small Business Loans: Banks and online lenders offer loans tailored to small businesses.

3. Grants: Look for grants specifically aimed at women or Mum-entrepreneurs. Unlike loans, grants don’t need to be repaid.

4. Bootstrapping: This involves using your savings or reinvesting earnings back into the business. While riskier, you retain full control over your venture.

Planning for the Future

As your side business grows, think about long-term strategies. Do you want to turn it into a full-time job? Will you be content with it remaining a side hustle? Create a five-year plan outlining potential growth, necessary investments, and milestones to help you maintain a clear focus.


In a rapidly evolving work landscape, Mums in 2023 have an unprecedented array of opportunities to build successful side businesses. With determination, passion, and a robust support network, you can craft a venture that complements your lifestyle. By understanding the latest trends, leveraging essential skills and tools, and overcoming challenges, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the thrilling journey of entrepreneurship while cherishing the joys of motherhood.

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