
If You’re Not Doing Freelance Consultancy and Online Course Creation You Need to Start Today. (I Made £2000 in my Free Time!)

Hey fam! It’s your daily dose from yours truly, right here on the blog. A quick update: Last summer, I said goodbye to my brainchild, It Really Works Vitamins – a hair vitamins brand I’m immensely proud of. Now, I’m here not just to share my journey but to drop some insights from my adventures in this digital era.

We’re living in times where the boom of the digital and gig economy is undeniable. The horizon is teeming with opportunities to not just earn but to THRIVE. For all you hustlers out there ready to blend passion with skill, the world is your oyster. Two avenues I find particularly promising? Freelance consultancy and crafting online courses. Think about it – it’s about monetizing what you already know. Not only can you stack up those dollars, but you’re also widening your professional lens.

Stick around as we dive deeper into these domains. It’s about making more than just money; it’s about making a mark. ✌️


Freelance Consultancy

As the corporate landscape shifts and market dynamics evolve, we’re witnessing some exciting new trends unfold. One such trend is the rise of gig culture, providing a golden opportunity for professionals with a wealth of experience and expertise to capitalize on. There’s never been a better time to consider freelance consulting as a potentially lucrative side gig. It requires minimal setup and can be a fantastic source of supplemental income, as well as offer an exciting chance to spread innovation across industries.

But how can you determine if your expertise could lead to a rich side hustle?

Let’s drill down on one particular way you can start to earn extra income: as a Freelance Hubspot Consultant

Freelance Hubspot Consultant

How to Embark on a Freelance HubSpot Consultant Journey: A Detailed Guide

The digital marketing horizon is vast, and amidst it, the role of a HubSpot consultant shines brightly. HubSpot, celebrated for its all-encompassing solutions across marketing, sales, and client service, has entrenched itself as an indispensable tool for businesses globally. If you’re contemplating a solo trek as a HubSpot consultant, here’s your map to navigate the path.

1. Immerse Yourself in HubSpot

Your first port of call is an intimate understanding of HubSpot. Dedicate hours to unpack its multifaceted features, spanning its advanced CRM tools to intricate marketing automation capabilities. HubSpot’s treasure trove of training materials and certifications are at your disposal to make this phase seamless.

2. Pursue HubSpot Certifications

Adding HubSpot certifications to your quiver not only bolsters your credibility but also sharpens your proficiency. HubSpot Academy offers a spectrum of courses, each culminating in a certification examination. These validations not only enrich your resume but also deepen your grasp on the platform.

3. Carve Out Your Speciality

Broad knowledge is valuable, but a concentrated expertise can set you apart in the consultancy sea. Be it email marketing, lead generation strategies, or advanced analytics, homing in on a specific HubSpot module can pave the way for specialised consulting assignments.

4. Craft a Robust Portfolio

Assemble a striking portfolio encapsulating your HubSpot exploits, milestones, and qualifications. This digital space should lucidly communicate your prowess, track record, and any accolades from past clientele. Platforms like WordPress, Squarespace, or Behance can aid in piecing together this virtual showcase.

5. Calibrate Your Fee Structure

Setting an apt pricing model is paramount. Engage in market reconnaissance to discern the prevailing rates for HubSpot consultants within the UK landscape. To give a ballpark figure, novices might find opportunities at around £25 per hour, while veterans, given their profound expertise, could ask for over £100 per hour.

6. Extend Beyond the Mainstream

Elevate your offering by introducing ancillary services. Think along the lines of a no-charge initial audit of a client’s HubSpot configuration or orchestrate informative webinars elucidating HubSpot best practices.

7. Broadcast Your Expertise

With your consultancy suite ready, it’s time for the spotlight. Amplify your presence by listing your savoir-faire on platforms like:

  • Upwork: A renowned freelance hub where you can present your profile, detail your services, and vie for relevant HubSpot tasks.
  • LinkedIn: Capitalise on the ‘Open to Work’ facet to manifest your consultancy offerings, aligning you with entities scouting for HubSpot maestros.
  • Fiverr: Here, you can enumerate distinct HubSpot-centric services, stipulating prices based on intricacy or deliverables.

8. Cultivate Connections

Your network is your net worth in the consulting domain. Participate in HubSpot-centric seminars, digital meetups, and workshops. Engross yourself in virtual HubSpot communities and discussion boards to stay abreast of shifts and establish valuable relationships.

9. Commit to Continual Learning

Digital terrains are in perpetual flux, and HubSpot is no exception. Dedicate time to stay updated with the platform’s enhancements, industry trends, and emerging best practices. This not only ensures that you provide current and top-tier consultancy but also accentuates your dedication to the craft.

10. Seek Feedback and Refine

Post engagements, actively solicit feedback from clients. This input is golden, helping you identify areas of improvement and fortifying your strengths. Continuous refinement in response to this feedback ensures you evolve with every assignment, enhancing your value proposition in the competitive market.

In conclusion, the path to becoming a standout freelance HubSpot consultant requires a blend of technical expertise, continual learning, and effective networking. With dedication and strategic positioning, you can harness the ever-growing demand in this sphere, marking your territory in the expansive digital consulting domain.

If becoming a Freelance Hubspot Consultant isn’t quite your bag, perhaps you could consider getting started as a freelance consultant on Fiverr? ( )

I know it may seem a little low rent, but let me explain. Fiverr is a hugely active platform aimed at small business founders to find freelancers and consultants quickly! I break down my entire experience as a Fiverr creator in the article below – my key tip is use the app! How much did I earn on Fiverr? A neat £2000 (And growing)

Understand Your Market

Any entrepreneur will tell you that success starts with understanding your market. What’s the demand for your specific skills? Research is essential. Talk to people in your industry, browse job boards, assess the competition, and gauge the demand. You might be surprised by the market’s need for your expertise.

How To Make An Extra $2000 as a Content Creator on Fiverr. This is What I Did.

Identify Your Unique Value Proposition

What separates you from other professionals in your field? The real secret to unlocking a prosperous side hustle is to become indispensable to your clients. Demonstrate how your unique skills, experience, and perspectives add value that no one else can. This step will allow you to carve out a niche for yourself, making your consulting services indispensable.

Set Your Rates

Onlookers often assume that freelance consulting means working for less. On the contrary, it means commanding what you’re worth. As a strategist or a consultant, you’re selling your knowledge, which comes with a certain price tag and prestige. You have the right to set your rates based on your skillset, market rates, and the value you bring to your clients.

Leverage Your Networks

Through your journey as a business professional, you’ve doubtlessly built a robust network of colleagues, friends, and acquaintances who recognize your worth. Never underestimate these connections. With a strategic approach, your network can be the cornerstone of your freelance consulting business. Referrals, testimonials, and word-of-mouth marketing can amplify your reach and fill your client pipeline.

Embrace Adaptability

As we step further into the digital age, staying current with trends is more critical than ever. Technology undergoes metamorphosis daily, and professionals who don’t change with it will be left behind. Adaptability isn’t just a trait; it has to be a mindset. Stay open to learning, adapting, and keeping abreast of the latest technology trends that can streamline your consulting business.

Never before has the playing field for starting a business, especially in consulting, been so level and ripe with potential. If you have an in-depth understanding of your industry and a passion for sharing that knowledge, freelance consulting may be your ticket to a profitable side hustle.

Remember, this isn’t your traditional 9-5 job. It is a voyage across the broad spectrum of industries, a journey rich with possibilities and opportunities. Who knows, your side hustle may not remain on the side for very long. Is it time to make your move?

Image of a person working on a laptop and offering consulting services to clients, signifying freelance consulting as a side business opportunity.

Online Course Creation

Transitioning from the gig sector or freelance consulting to creating an online course is the next logical step in the digital transformation sweeping the commercial landscape. This progression capitalises on the inherent value of niche expertise, allowing skilled professionals to extend their reach and make meaningful connections in a highly globalised market.

The essence of creating an online course lies in the extrapolation of a unique skill harnessed over time. Whether it’s coding, dance, digital marketing, or cooking, this skill is a personal asset that can significantly generate an additional income stream if properly managed and executed.

The illimitable scalability of an online course makes it a potent tool for business growth. It is not bound by the traditional barriers of conventional tutoring or face-to-face workshops. As an instructor, you can share knowledge with thousands or even millions without worrying about physical classrooms or geographical constraints. This opens up a vast audience globally who are eager to learn and expand their horizons, further emphasising the economic viability of the business model.

Your course doesn’t have to be listed on a platform – I’ve recently been playing around with creating my own digital downloads and courses. I’ll create a full review soon, but I’m absolutely loving:


The Benefits of Payhip:

  • Simple Setup: Get started quickly with an intuitive platform interface.
  • Zero Upfront Costs: No monthly fees; Payhip only takes a small percentage of your sales.
  • Instant Payouts: Receive your earnings immediately after a sale.
  • Digital Delivery: Automated and instant delivery of your digital products to customers.
  • Integrated Marketing Tools: Built-in features for promoting products, such as discount codes and affiliates.
  • DRM Protection: Safeguard your digital content, like eBooks, from unauthorized sharing.
  • Global Reach: Accept payments from customers worldwide with multiple currency options.
  • Responsive Design: Payhip storefronts look great on both desktop and mobile devices.
  • Social Media Integration: Seamlessly promote products on your social channels with one-click sharing options.
  • Email Marketing Integration: Connect with tools like Mailchimp to grow and engage your customer base.
  • In-depth Analytics: Track sales, visitor data, and conversion rates to optimize your selling strategy.
  • Seamless Embed Options: Integrate your Payhip store or products directly into your website or blog.
  • Stellar Customer Support: Quick and helpful responses to any queries or issues.

A common misconception is that starting an online course requires heavy investment. However, the reality is different. Most of the resources you need – valuable information, a computer, and internet connectivity – are something you probably already have Platforms like Teachable, Thinkific, and Udemy also provide convenient access to online course creation and distribution infrastructure at minimal costs. There’s a really easy step-by-step video here on Udemy Course Creation – it gives you all the steps, including Udemy account creation!

Udemy Course Creation: A Step By Step Guide

Marketing an online course poses additional opportunities for amplifying income. By focusing on essential market trends, it’s feasible to find a marketing strategy that aligns well with target audience behaviour. A strong digital marketing plan can exponentially boost sign-ups and ultimately, course sales. Furthermore, it provides an opportunity to harness existing professional networks. Sharing expertise with those already within a personal or professional network often results in word-of-mouth recommendations and reshares that dramatically increase reach and engagement.

The profitable prospect of creating an online course has become increasingly palpable with the rise of digitisation and virtual learning. It offers a diverse career path for those ready to step out of the traditional confines of employment and become pioneers in their field of expertise.

Teachable Course Creation: A Step By Step Guide

In summary, there’s no denying that online course creation is a space teeming with opportunities for those ready to think outside the box, leverage their unique skills in innovative ways, and embrace the boundless possibilities of the digital world. So, why not seize the moment, transform your unique skill into an online course, and start monetising your knowledge today?

Image of a person using a laptop to create an online course

Experimenting with side hustles like freelance consultancy and online course creation is both a fruitful and a self-fulfilling endeavour. By exploiting your unique skillset, you are not only adding a thriving revenue channel but also cultivating a richer professional network and staying at the forefront of your field. And with technological advancement at its peak, you won’t run out of resources or audiences eager to pay for your expertise. Embrace this exciting realm of opportunities to bolster your income, embark on refreshing career diversions and perhaps, most importantly, become a continual learner and contributor to your industry or discipline.

Alright, fam! That’s a wrap for today’s extensive exploration into the dynamic and ever-evolving realm of side hustles and digital entrepreneurship. From the intricate details of freelance consultancy to the transformative world of online course creation, we’ve journeyed through the myriad opportunities that the digital age graciously presents to us.

Consider this: The digital landscape is vast, teeming with untapped potential. Every blog post, every online course, every e-book, and every webinar is a testament to the limitless possibilities that await those willing to take the leap. It’s a space where passion meets proficiency, where creativity intertwines with commerce.

The beauty of our era is the democratization of knowledge and opportunity. No longer are we confined by traditional boundaries or limited by geographical constraints. With the right tools, determination, and a sprinkle of innovation, anyone can make a significant impact, build an audience, and even redefine an industry.

In navigating this digital voyage, two key pillars emerge: continuous learning and adaptability. As the virtual world rapidly changes, so must we. Staying updated, embracing new technologies, and always being on the lookout for the next big thing will ensure that we remain at the forefront of our endeavors. Remember, every online interaction is an opportunity to grow, to connect, and to inspire.

In the vastness of the internet, your unique voice and expertise have a place. It’s about carving out that niche, establishing your brand, and consistently delivering value to your audience. So, whether you’re just embarking on this journey or you’re a seasoned digital veteran, there’s always room for growth, for innovation, and for success.

As we conclude today’s discussion, I want to leave you with this thought: Embrace the digital age with open arms. Seek out opportunities, foster connections, and never stop learning. The digital realm is a canvas waiting for your unique imprint. And with every endeavor, you’re not only building a business or a brand but also contributing to the vast tapestry of online innovation.

Until our next deep dive, keep pushing boundaries, stay curious, and always remember to thrive in the limitless expanse of the digital universe. Do remember to subscribe to my newsletter! Love ya! ✌️

How Thomas Smale scaled his business to over $1 billion of revenue!

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