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The Unbelievable Truth About Lucky Girl Syndrome

1K views · May 15, 2023
#luckygirlsyndrome #luckygirl Let’s talk about Lucky Girl Syndrome. OR Lucky Boy Syndrome - gotta be inclusive over here. It’s a trend taking off on Tiktok and there is more science and psychology behind it than you might think. To sum it up, those with the Lucky Girl Syndrome - literally decide that they are LUCKY. Everything you want - will just work out for you - job promotion, dream husband, luxury house it’s yours lucky girl. So there a number of tiktokers out there - sharing how things kind of magically worked out for them, because they told themselves that they were lucky! Let’s discuss the science behind it. Your brain’s PreFrontal Cortex is responsible for Confirming things that you already believe. If you wake up one morning and you tell yourself - this is gonna be a really good day, your brain will literally light up when positive lucky things happen to you that day. You win £10 on a lottery ticket. A handsome man asks you out for lunch. In psychology this idea is known as confirmation bias or the law of assumption, which states that you can make real what you imagine for yourself. And so Lucky Girl Syndrome can prove useful even when the facts of the circumstances you’re facing are totally the opposite. Perhaps you;re running your own business and you have own consultancy or freelancing projects that you’d like to set up, it’s vital from a psychological perspective that you have this coat of armour that you put on every morning - and say to yourself, everything is going to go my way. Everything I touch turns to gold. Things works out. I have the skills needed to solve problems and the people that love me and want to help me achieve my dreams come into my life and there is nothing that I can’t do! So let’s talk about the mean little naysayers on Lucky Girl Syndrome and why they all need to leave us be. Hello Glamour Magazine: Is ‘Lucky Girl Syndrome’ the smuggest TikTok trend yet? I see where they’re coming from. If you had someone in your department at work that’s like - I’m so lucky, I just won a million pounds on the lottery and then I met this Billionaire and he proposed to me and I’m moving into his mansion in the Maldives bye! I would be like - go away! Stop Bragging. And I think this is the thing about trends on TikTok. If you start broadcasting to the entire world why you’re lucky - of course its smug. But if this is just your personal mantra, your affirmations that you tell yourself then it’s fine. Also, I want to point out that some journalists say, well what if you’re in a wheelchair - Lucky Girl Syndrome is how you see yourself and not how other people choose to see you. I want to talk about a woman I met over ten years ago, and she won’t remember me I was in the same room as her, and I remember some of what she was saying on Twitter and I thought this woman is really really smart. This is a multi award winning writer Matilda Ibini Matilda has Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy and is a wheelchair user. She describes herself as Bionic - she has a metal plate in her leg. And on her blog she doesn't want prefer for people to describe herself as 🚫Persons with a disability OR a handicap. How we see ourselves is vital to our survival on planet earth. If we see ourselves as a victim or a loser or someone that deserves to be treated badly - it can literally kill us. So all of us with LuckyGirl and LuckyBoy syndrome unite. Just don’t brag about it. Let’s stay Wealthy and Stealthy. And on the subject of Wealth, if you are launching or running your own direct to consumer brand, chances are you need a lot of content. Hit me up at I film and edit your videos for you within 4 business days ready for your website, ads and youtube and tiktok. Your first bit of content is free! ---- Lucky Girl Syndrome,LuckyGirlSyndrome,The Unbelievable Truth About Lucky Girl Syndrome,Growth Mindset,Lucky Girl Syndrome Tiktok,lucky girl syndrome affirmations,lucky girl syndrome mediation,lucky girl syndrome explained,lucky girl syndrome meaning,lucky girl syndrome manifestation,LUCKY GIRL SYNDROME viral trend,lucky girl syndrome Reddit
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