Teaching English Online
Blog Post Writing
Virtual Assistant (VA)
Creating Online Courses
Digital Products
Social Media Manager
Agency Owner
YouTube Video Editor
Voiceover Actor
Selling Handmade Products
Podcast Editing
Stock Photography
Online Tutoring
Affiliate Marketing

Discover the top 15 FIRE side hustles you can start from home!

Welcome to, your go-to spot for realising Financial Independence and Early Retirement (FIRE) through entrepreneurship! I’m Fortuna, the little lady behind this platform, and I started this journey with a clear aim: to spark your ambitions, share some hard-earned knowledge, and help guide you towards financial freedom!

Our focus is all about championing the successful side hustle—those small but promising business ventures that you’re passionate about. This platform is about turning these hobbies or interests into profitable pursuits and growing them into full-blown businesses. is about making the most of the entrepreneurial spirit—taking that side hustle, nurturing its growth into a substantial business, and scaling it to a million-dollar enterprise. Whether you want to sell your thriving business or keep it running, the choice is yours. Either way, we’re here to offer practical strategies that allow you to do what you love, all while securing your financial independence.

It’s a simple, yet powerful philosophy: Start a side hustle, grow it into a business, and let it take off. As it expands, you might need to bring in talent, optimize your systems, and even outsource. But that’s part of the thrill—you’re building something that’s truly yours, and before you know it, you’re at the helm of a million-dollar enterprise.

So whether you’re just starting out on your journey to financial independence or you’re well on your way, I hope can serve as a useful guide, a source of inspiration, and a friendly community. And remember, the path to financial freedom isn’t always a straight line—it’s an adventure that’s unique to each of us, filled with opportunities for learning and growth at every turn.

So, let’s embark on this journey together. Welcome to!

I sold my hair vitamins brand It Really Works Vitamins to an entrepreneur called Callam you can read about that here!

I’m spending time with my family, reading and posting here everyday!

🎉 Welcome to our ultimate guide on side hustles you can do from home! 🎉 Are you ready to dive into these amazing opportunities to make money and build multiple streams of income? Well, let’s get started! 🚀

The secret to becoming a millionaire is having multiple streams of income. The average millionaire has seven income streams, and that’s why we’re going to share 15 side hustles you can do from home.

These side hustles are either tried and tested by Erika Kullberg, a well-known personal finance blogger, or have been proven to generate thousands of dollars for others. So, buckle up and get ready to take your finances to the next level! 💰

1️⃣ Teaching English Online

If you have a college degree, teaching English online could be an excellent opportunity for you. Platforms like VIP Kids offer up to $22 an hour to teach English to children in China. The best part? You don’t need to speak Chinese or prepare any lesson plans, as the curriculum is provided for you! 🌏

2️⃣ Blog Post Writing

Love writing? Turn your passion into a profitable side hustle by becoming a blog post writer. Many companies and small businesses need quality content for their blogs but don’t have the time to write it themselves. You can earn anywhere from $30 to $65 an hour (or even more) writing blog posts. Upwork and Fiverr are great places to start. 📝

3️⃣ Virtual Assistant (VA)

As a VA, you’ll perform tasks for other people entirely online. Tasks can vary from conducting research to scheduling appointments to entering data into Excel. The average starting rate is between $25 and $35 an hour. Upwork and Fiverr are perfect platforms to offer your VA services. 💻

4️⃣ Creating Online Courses

Do you have a skill that people are willing to pay to learn? Creating online courses could be a great passive income side hustle. Platforms like Udemy and Skillshare can host your courses, or you can host them on your own website. 🎓

5️⃣ Digital Products

Create digital products like ebooks, design templates, or email newsletter templates and sell them online. This side hustle can generate passive income each month. 📚

6️⃣ Social Media Manager

Help companies and business owners create and post content to their social media profiles. With multiple clients, this side hustle can be quite lucrative. 📱

7️⃣ Agency Owner

Level up your side hustle game by becoming an agency owner! Sell a service and use other people to fulfil that service. You can apply this concept to various services, from social media management to lawn mowing. 🌟

8️⃣ YouTube Video Editor

Learn how to edit videos and offer your services to YouTubers. Save them time and help them create engaging content. 🎥

9️⃣ Voiceover Actor

If you have a nice voice, consider becoming a voiceover actor. Offer your services on Fiverr for various projects like audiobooks, commercials, and explainer videos. 🎤

🔟 Selling Handmade Products

Create handmade products and sell them on Etsy or your own website. This side hustle can be both fun and profitable, and it’s an excellent opportunity to involve your kids in a business project! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

1️⃣1️⃣ Coaching

Turn your skills and passions into a profitable coaching business. Offer coaching programs in areas like fitness, wellness, business, or teach tangible skills like drawing, dancing,

or playing musical instruments. You can charge a premium for personalised coaching sessions, and you don’t even need to leave your home – just set up a video call with your clients! 💪

1️⃣2️⃣ Podcast Editing

Podcasts are more popular than ever. Offer your audio editing skills to podcasters who need help cleaning up and perfecting their audio. With the right software, you can edit from anywhere in the world. 🎧

1️⃣3️⃣ Stock Photography

If you have an eye for photography, consider selling your photos as stock images. Platforms like Shutterstock and Adobe Stock allow photographers to upload their images and earn money every time someone downloads them. This side hustle can generate passive income for years to come. 📷

1️⃣4️⃣ Online Tutoring

Do you excel in a particular subject? Offer online tutoring services to students who need extra help. Websites like and Wyzant connect tutors with students, making it easy for you to find clients. You can charge anywhere from $20 to $60 an hour, depending on your expertise. 📚

1️⃣5️⃣ Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing involves promoting other people’s products and earning a commission for each sale. Set up a blog or a YouTube channel, share helpful content, and recommend products to your audience. Make sure to disclose your affiliate relationships to maintain transparency and trust with your audience. 💸

Now that we’ve explored these 15 amazing side hustles, it’s time for you to take action! Choose one or more side hustles that resonate with you and get started. Remember, the key to success is consistency and dedication. You may not see results overnight, but with persistence, you can create multiple income streams that can change your financial situation for the better.

Here are some final tips to help you get started:

🔹 Do your research: Understand the market, the tools, and the skills required for the side hustle you choose.

🔹 Set realistic goals: Be patient and give yourself time to learn and grow.

🔹 Invest in yourself: Invest in the right tools, resources, and education to maximize your success.

🔹 Stay organized: Keep track of your income, expenses, and clients. Use tools like Google Drive, Trello, or Asana to help you stay on top of your tasks.

🔹 Network: Connect with others in your niche, join relevant Facebook groups, and attend virtual events to network and learn from others.

🔹 Stay consistent: Keep working on your side hustle, even if progress seems slow at first. Consistency is the key to growth and success.

🔹 Stay motivated: Celebrate small wins and remember why you started this journey in the first place. Keep your eyes on the prize and stay focused.

Ready to embark on your side hustle journey? Go for it! With determination and hard work, you can build multiple streams of income that will help you achieve your financial dreams. Good luck, and happy hustling! 💪🌟